What Are The Best Games For Kids?


Many parents know that games and puzzles are important for their children’s development, but with so many educational resources and play materials available, it can be hard to know what to prioritise. In time, you will eventually discover what games and puzzles work best for you and your children, but to help get you started, the team at Creative Play Resources have listed our best games and puzzles for children of different ages below.

Best games & puzzles for pre-schoolers

We know it’s important for your child to have access to a range of educational, physical games and educational supplies. Although they may play these games and use these materials at Preschool or day care, it’s also a good idea to have some at your home. Some of the ‘play staples’ to keep your young ones entertained include oil pastels, little brian paint sticks and educational toys.

In these young developmental ages, it’s essential that your child plays games that are challenging, but not impossible for their intellectual level. Although you want to engage their bodies and minds, you don’t want them to feel disheartened if they can’t achieve something. For indoor play, we recommend little brian paint sticks, messy mat, Wooden Dice and small puzzles. You might also like to have a range of children's books and early numeracy materials for children aged 1-8.

It’s important that young children spend at least some of their playtime outside. This helps them get fresh air, socialise with others, and engage in some physical activity. To encourage your children to enjoy the outdoors, we recommend these games: Water Wiggles, Inflatable Bubble Soccer and Hacky Sack Kids Game Set. These games are best experienced with friends in a large outdoor space.

Best games & puzzles for school aged kids

School-aged children will need more complex and demanding educational resources to keep them challenged and entertained. Fun and exciting games will help your child socialise with other kids and test their intellectual ability. Giant life-sized games are most likely to draw their attention and enhance their play. Some of the most popular kids toys for school aged kids right now include Giant Outdoor Chess, Wooden Skittles, Smash Ball Tournament Game and Giant Checkers. For more educational toys and games & puzzles, browse the Creative Play Resources website.

Best games & puzzles for teenagers

Once your child becomes a teenager, you might find that they already know how they want to spend their spare time. By the time they reach ages 12 and above, most kids have an idea of what their main interests are, and their spare time will be filled with these hobbies as well as extra curriculum activities and school. Our Bingo Set, Wooden Mega Who and Giant Play On Words can still help to bring your family together for quality time.

Most importantly, listen to your child and include them in the game decision making. Although it’s important to encourage your child to play with educational resources, if there is something they really do or don’t want to play with, listening to their desires will demonstrate respect.